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18″ Puky Børnecykel



Denne børnecykel fra Puky anbefales til børn mellem 105-125 cm. Vi anbefaler, at du måler barnets skridtlængde, da barnet skal kunne nå jorden fra cyklen, når de er i læringsfasen. Barnets skridtlængde skal helst være fra 45 cm. Cyklens laveste sadelhøjde er 53 cm.

Our selection of Mountain Bikes
The mountain bike is for those who want to get away from the paved bikepads and into the forest, the beach or other hilly terrain. Our MTB comes with suspension in the front fork and with wide, patterned tires for extra grip. Wheel sizes, 27,5" and 29 ”, in addition to the many frame sizes you can choose from. The bikes are primarily suitable for exercise use.